Generational perspectives research conducted by Food Processing Skills Canada found that young millennials are interested in leadership training and that older millennials value career development opportunities. We also know from our research that 54% of industry employers are challenged in finding qualified applicants.
With Skills Training Across Canada you now have the opportunity to establish yourself as a top choice employer that commits to a continuous learning and training culture that will attract and retain individuals.
We make it easy for employers to sign on with STAC
We will provide your employees with Chromebooks so they have a dedicated learning device. You are welcome to set up a learning space for employees at your location or they can take them home — no need for your employees to share the family computer. Additionally, we will provide learning kits and wrap-around support, such as a childcare stipend.

What’s the cost to employers?
There is no cost to employers to participate in the program with their selected employees. Food Processing Skills Canada does require that employers and employees complete program surveys and assessments to ensure continuous improvement of the program and future programs for the Canadian food and beverage industry.
Paul Hill, President
Hill's Jamaican Jerk Sauce and Maritime Foods
STAC Pilot Participant
What commitment is expected to participate in the program?
Skills Training Across Canada will take employees approximately 90 days to complete. We know from experience that changes in production demands and other factors can impact the timeline to completion so we have embedded flexibility in the program.
Benefits of Online & Competency-Based Training
Competency-based training is the right way to ensure that the training employers are providing to their employees is measured against the industry’s Learning and Recognition Framework. This framework is the model for the levels of learning that all training should be aligned to. Food Processing Skills Canada is commited to this approach and the courses offered are proven and structured accordingly.
Here is what else you need to know about the benefits of training with Food Processing Skills Canada.
- Learning essential skills is simplified.
- Online training is self-paced and can be completed after hours
- Teamwork is encouraged and rewarded
- Safety is enhanced and reinforced
- Quality control & accountability is assured
- Support is always available

What do you get?
We will onboard your onsite contact and employees will have an orientation video.
A welcome package will be provided with clear “how to” instructions.
If we make this easy for you, it will be easy for us! You and your employees are welcome to reach out anytime you need us.
You will enjoy a dashboard branded for your organization that will make employee progress monitoring easy.
Top performing online learning curriculum and live webinar coaching built for, but not limited to, food & beverage manufacturers in Canada
Employers and employees will be updated on their progress once a month.
For employees to learn at your location or at home
Employees will be able to collect badges, certificates and monitor their progress at a glance on their individual dashboards.
Opportunity to improve workforce, increase productivity, reduce absenteeism (social emotional skills definitely improve leadership & work culture)
Employees can learn on their own time, at their own pace
Employees will receive a completion bonus and wraparound supports!
Graduation packages built with care will be provided to your organization